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GB 500XX-201X《建筑設計防火規(guī)范》2010年7月5日征求意見稿102頁word.doc
目 次
3.3 廠房和倉庫的耐火等級、層數(shù)、面積和平面布置
9.3 室內(nèi)消防用水量及消防給水管道、消火栓和消防水箱
附錄D 民用建筑外保溫系統(tǒng)及外墻裝飾的防火設計要求
附錄E 隧道內(nèi)承重結(jié)構(gòu)體的耐火極限試驗升溫曲線和相應的判定標準
3 Factory buildings and storages 6
3.1 Classification of fire hazards6
3.2 Fire resistance class of factory buildings and storages and fire resistance rating of its components8
3.4 Fire separation distance for factory building3
3.5 Fire separation distance for storage5
3.6 Explosion prevention of factory buildings and storages7
3.7 Safe evacuation in factory buildings8
3.8 Safe evacuation in storages19
4 Class A, B, C liquid, gas tank (tank farm) and combustible stackyard21
4.2 Fire separation distance for Class A, B, C liquid tank (tank farm)21
4.3 Fire separation distance between combustible and combustion-supporting gas tanks (tank farm)4
4.4 Fire separation distance for LPG tank (tank farm)6
4.5 Fire separation distance of combustible material stackyard8
5.1 Classification and fire resistance class of civil buildings29
5.3 Storeys and fire compartment of civil buildings33
5.4 Plane arrangement of civil buildings36
5.6 Safety evacuation and fire protection area39
6.2 Building component and conduit shaft47
6.3 Roof, blind ceiling and building gap49
6.4 Staircase, stair and door49
6.5 Fire door and fire roller shutter52
6.6 Crossover, trestle and pipe trench52
7.3 Fire elevator and helicopter apron54
8 The places where fire extinguishing system is installed56
8.2 Indoor fire hydrant system56
8.3 Automatic fire extinguishing system57
8.4 Fire alarm system and smoke control and smoke exhaust system59
9 Fire water supply and fire extinguishing facility62
9.2 Outdoor fire fighting water amount, water supply pipe and fire hydrant63
9.3 Amount of water required by indoor fire fighting and water supply piping, fire hydrant and reservoir67
9.4 Fire water pool and fire pump room71
10 Smoke control and smoke exhaust74
10.3 Mechanical smoke control74
10.4 Mechanical smoke exhaust76
11 Heating, ventilating and air conditioning79
11.3 Ventilating and air conditioning79
12.1 Fire protection power supply and distribution82
12.2 Power line and electrical equipment82
12.3 Emergency lighting and evacuation indicating sign84
14.2 Fire fighting water supply and fire extinguishing equipment90
14.3 Ventilating and smoke exhaust system91
14.4 Automatic fire alarm system91
14.5 Power supply and the other requirements92
Appendix A Computing method for building height, storeys and evacuation distance in residential buildings 95
Appendix B Computing method for fire separation distance 96
Explaination of wording in this code95
List of quoted standards and codes96
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