309D、408D 熱軋圓鋼
309D、408D Hot Rolled Round Steel
2015-05-15 發(fā)布 2015-05-15 實施 Issuance Date2015-05-15 Execute Date2015-05-15 山東伊萊特重工有限公司 發(fā)布
前 言
1、The standard is drafted according to the requirements by SHANDONG IRAETA Trade Department’s clients.
2、The standard is put forward by SHANDONG IRAETA HEAVY INDUSTRY CO.LTD Purchase Department and Testing Center.
3、The standard is centralized management by Technical Department of SHANDONG IRAETA HEAVY INDUSTRY CO.LTD.
4、The standard is mainly drafted by following committees:Technical Department、Trade Department、Purchase Department、Testing Center.
5、本標準主要起草人:牛余剛、陳吉元、任秀鳳、秦英超、張永慶、 董偉臣、劉守峰。
5、The standard’s mainly drafters:Yugang Niu、Jiyuan Chen、Xiufeng Ren、Yingchao Qin、YongQing Zhang、Weichen Dong、Shoufeng Liu.
309D、408D 熱軋圓鋼
309D、408D Hot Rolled Round Steel
1 范圍 本標準規(guī)定了熱軋圓鋼尺寸、外形、重量及允許偏差、技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規(guī)則、質量證明書、包裝、標志等要求。
1 Range:This standard specifies requirements for rolled round steel dimensions,
shape, weight and permissible deviations, technical requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, certificate of quality, packing, marking, etc. 本標準適用于直徑 20mm-120mm 的熱軋圓鋼。
The standard is apply to hot rolled round steel which diameter 20mm-120mm. 2 規(guī)范性引用文件 下列文件對于本文件的應用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,僅注
2 Normative reference documents:The following files are essential to the
application of this document.For the reference file which noted the date, only the version noted the date is applicable to this document. For the
reference file which not noted the date,The latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 223 鋼鐵及合金化學分析方法
Steel and alloy chemical analysis method
GB/T 224 鋼的脫碳層深度測定法
Determination of depth of decarburization of steels GB/T 2101 型鋼驗收、包裝、標志及質量證明書的一般規(guī)定
General requirements of acceptance,packing,marking and quality certificate for section steel GB/T 4336 碳素鋼和中低合金鋼火花源原子發(fā)射光譜分析方法(常規(guī)法)
Standard test method for spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric analysis of carbon and low-alloy steel(routine method)
GB/T 17505 鋼及鋼產品交貨一般技術要求
Steel and steel products - general technical delivery requirements GB/T 18254 高碳鉻軸承鋼
High carbon chromium bearing steel GB/T 20066 鋼和鐵 化學成分測定用試樣的取樣和制樣方法
Steel and iron - sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition GB/T 20123 鋼鐵 總碳硫含量的測定 高頻感應爐燃燒后紅外吸收法(常規(guī)方法) Steel and iron-determination of total carbon and sulfur content-infrared
absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace(routine method) ASTM E45 鋼中夾雜物含量的測定方法
Determination method of content of inclusion in steel
ASTM E112 平均晶粒度測定標準測試方法
Metal-methods for estimating the average grain size
SA-370 鋼制品力學性能試驗的標準試驗方法和定義(與A370-02完全等同)
Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products(equal to A370-02)
SEP1921 邊長或直徑接近100mm的鍛件或鍛制鋼材超聲波試驗方法
Side length or diameter close to 100mm forging steel ultrasonic test method 3 尺寸、外形、重量及允許偏差
3 dimensions, shape, weight and permissible deviations
3.1 鋼材公稱直徑為 20mm-120mm,直徑允許偏差、不圓度、交貨長度應符合表1 要求。
3.1 Steel nominal diameter is 20mm-120mm, the allowable deviation of diameter, the non-roundness, delivery length should be in accordance with the requirements of Table 1.
表 1
3.2 鋼材彎曲度為不大于 2.5mm/m,總彎曲度不大于總長度的 0.25%,無硬彎。鋼材兩端的切 斜度不得大于公稱直徑的 30%。兩端可剪切,無飛邊、毛刺。相同長度短尺料單獨結捆。 3.2 The bending degree of steel is no more than 2.5mm/m, and the total bending degree is no more than 0.25% of the total length,no hard bending. The slope of the two ends of the steel shall not be greater than the nominal diameter of 30%. Two ends can be cut, no flying edge, burr. The shorter steel which has same length should be knotted separately.
3.3 鋼材按實際檢斤重量交貨。
3.3 Steel will be delivered according to the actual weighing weight. 4 要求
4 Requirements 4.1 牌號及化學成分
4.1 Grades and Chemical Composition
4.1.1 鋼的牌號及化學成分(熔煉分析,%)應符合表 2 規(guī)定。且熔煉分析 H 小于 2.0ppm,成 品鋼材[H]含量小于或等于 0.8ppm,成品鋼材[O]含量小于 15ppm。
4.1.1 Grade of steel and chemical composition(smelting analysis)should be in accordance with the requirements of Table 2.Smelting analysis:[H]<2.0ppm,F(xiàn)inished steel:[H]≤0.8ppm,[O]<15ppm.
表2 %
DI=[0.062+0.409*(%C)-0.135*(%C)*(%C)]*[1+3.333*(%Mn)]*[1+0.7*(%Si)]*[1+2.16*(%Cr) ]*[1+3*(%Mo)]*[1+0.363*(%Ni)]*[1+0.365*(%Cu)] 。
4.1.2 成品鋼材化學成分允許偏差應符合表 3 的規(guī)定。
4.1.2 The allowable deviation of finished steel chemical composition should be in accordance with the requirements of Table 3.
表 3 %
4.1.3 在鋼材同一橫截面上中心處的碳含量和距中心為半徑的 80%處碳含量比值為小于或等于
4.1.3 On the same cross section of the steel,the ratio of carbon content of the center to the 80% distance center is less than or equal to 1.15.
4.2 冶煉方法 鋼應采用電爐/轉爐+LF+VD。
4.2 Smelting method: using electric stove/converter +LF+VD 4.3 交貨狀態(tài)熱軋。
4.3 Condition of delivery:Hot rolling
4.4 加工方法
4.4 Processing methods:Thermal pressure process
4.5 力學性能
交貨狀態(tài)表面布氏硬度檢驗結果供參考,不做交貨依據(jù)。 4.5 Mechanical Property
Delivery status of surface hardness test results just for reference, do not make delivery basis.
4.6 低倍 Low time
點、晶間裂紋。其中心疏松、一般疏松各不大于 1.5 級,錠型偏析合格級別為不大于 1.0 級, 不允許有一般點狀偏析、邊緣點狀偏析。
Steel cross section of acid leaching low times micro-structure test piece may not have a visible shrinkage hole, bubbles, cracks, inclusions, flanging, white, crystalline crack.General loose, ingot segregation, the center of the qualified level is not more than 1.5 grade, does not allow the general point segregation, edge point segregation.
4.7 非金屬夾雜物
4.7 non-metallic inclusion
按 ASTM E45 A 法規(guī)定執(zhí)行,其合格級別按表 4 規(guī)定。A 細、B 細、C 細、D 細目標值均不大 于 1.5 級。
Performed by ASTM E45 A rule,qualified level is ruled by Table 4.Target of A、
表 4 不大于(級)
4.8 奧氏體晶粒度
4.8 Austenitic grain size
按 ASTM E112 規(guī)定執(zhí)行,其合格級別為 6 級或更細。
Performed according to ASTM E112,qualified level is 6 level or thinner. 4.9 脫碳層 Decarburization
每邊總脫碳層深度不大于鋼材公稱直徑的 1% 。
Total decarburization depth on each side is no more than 1% nominal diameter of steel.
4.10 超聲波探傷 Ultrasonic flaw detection