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南非廢鋼進口買賣合同(中英文) WHEREAS, the Seller desires to sell used rails to the Buyer, which the Buyer desires to purchase on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties, it is agreed as follows: 鑒于賣方將出售廢鋼軌,買方愿意按照如下條款購買該批廢鋼軌以及雙方相互承諾和對價, 達成如下協(xié)議:
(原文標題:廢鋼軌進口中英文合同 used rail sales purchase agreement)         南非廢鋼進口買賣合同 SALES CONTRACT OF USED STEEL OF SOUTH AFRICA This Contract is made and entered into this day of and valid unless signed by both parties for (seven) days by and between:本協(xié)議由下列各方簽定于 , 簽署七日后正式生效。
Seller賣方: AND Buyer:買方 WHEREAS SELLER AND BUYER , each with full corporate authority, certifies, represents and warrants that each can fulfill the requirements of this contract and respectively provide the services referred to herein, in time and under the terms agreed to hereinafter; 鑒于買賣雙方具有法人權(quán)利,各自承諾將有能力按照下列約定履行其義務(wù); WITNESS WHEREAS, the Seller desires to sell used rails to the Buyer, which the Buyer desires to purchase on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties, it is agreed as follows: 鑒于賣方將出售廢鋼軌,買方愿意按照如下條款購買該批廢鋼軌以及雙方相互承諾和對價, 達成如下協(xié)議: ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS 定義 For purposes of this Agreement, the terms set forth below shall be defined as follows 合同術(shù)語含義如下; "the Buyer" means the party buying commodity from the Seller. 買方指從賣方購買貨物的一方; "Effective Date" shall have the meaning described in the first paragraph of this Agreement. 生效日見
第一條; ARTICLE 2: ORDERING PROTOCOL訂單 After signing the agreement the Buyer shall order commodities from the Seller by submitting a written purchase order, (the "Purchase Order"), on a regular basis, specifying the type of commodities and its quantity to be purchased the agreed purchase price and the total amount payable to Seller for such order. 協(xié)議簽定后,買方向賣方提交一份面訂單,列明商品種類、數(shù)量、價格、總金額。
Purchase Orders may be submitted by facsimile. An order from Buyer shall be considered to be accepted by Seller when the Purchase Order has been signed by an authorized officer or representative of the Buyer and Supplier has provided Buyer with written notification that such order has been accepted. 訂單以傳真形式提交。
Buyer shall not be responsible to pay all taxes, duties and any other fees or assessments which may be
  南非廢鋼進口買賣合同(中英文) 下載地址


建筑工程: 施工組織設(shè)計 圖紙 論文 方案 安全資料 工藝 建筑軟件 節(jié)能 專業(yè)資料 合同 交底 文本 建筑考試 教程
園林景觀: 園林施工方案 園林論文 園林考試 園林表格 景觀專業(yè)資料 園林圖紙 景觀設(shè)計
暖通空調(diào): 暖通專業(yè)資料 暖通軟件 技術(shù)交底 暖通論文 暖通考試 暖通圖紙 暖通施工方案 暖通軟件
水利工程: 水利施工方案 水利考試 水利專業(yè)資料 水利軟件 水利論文
結(jié)構(gòu)工程: 結(jié)構(gòu)施組方案 結(jié)構(gòu)圖紙 結(jié)構(gòu)軟件 結(jié)構(gòu)課件 工藝工法 結(jié)構(gòu)考試 結(jié)構(gòu)專業(yè)資料 結(jié)構(gòu)論文 其他資料
電氣工程: 電氣施工方案 電氣圖紙 電氣軟件 電氣論文 電氣課件 智能建筑 電氣專業(yè)資料 電氣考試
建筑給排: 給排施組方案 技術(shù)交底 給排水專業(yè)資料 污水處理 消防工程 給排水圖紙 給排水論文 給排水軟件
安裝工程: 設(shè)備安裝圖紙 安裝工程專業(yè)資料 安裝施組設(shè)計 專題
工程造價: 造價法規(guī) 造價視頻 造價指標 建筑造價 造價考試 水利造價 電力造價 裝修造價 其他 安裝造價 路橋造價 市政造價 園林造價 造價軟件 造價表格 清單實
工程監(jiān)理: 監(jiān)理交底 施工監(jiān)理 監(jiān)理文檔 旁站監(jiān)理 監(jiān)理考試 合同表格 監(jiān)理細則 監(jiān)理大綱 監(jiān)理總結(jié) 監(jiān)理月報 監(jiān)理規(guī)劃
路橋工程: 合同表格 路橋工藝 路橋論文 路橋交底 安全資料 路橋標書 路橋?qū)I(yè)資料 路橋軟件 其他資料 路橋圖紙 路橋施工方案 路橋考試
裝飾裝修: 裝修施工方案 裝修圖紙 室內(nèi)設(shè)計 施工工藝 裝修技術(shù)交底 裝修表格 裝修資料 建筑文庫