

中國環(huán)境科學 2017,37(3):963~971 China Environmental Science 石化廢水處理過程中活性污泥毒性變化

羅 夢1,2,3,于 茵1,2,周岳溪1,2*,王欽祥4,宋玉棟1,2,何緒文3 (1.中國環(huán)境科學研究院水污染控制技術(shù)研究中心,北京 100012;2.中國環(huán)境科學研究院環(huán)境基準與風險評估國家重點實驗室,北京 100012;3.中國礦業(yè)大學(北京)化學與環(huán)境工程學院,北京 100083;4.蘭州交通大學環(huán)境與市政工程學院,甘肅 蘭州 730070)



中圖分類號:X703 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1000-6923(2017)03-0963-09

Changes of the toxicity of petrochemical wastewater to activated sludge along the treatment processes. LUO Meng1,2,3, YU Yin1,2, ZHOU Yue-xi2,3*,WANG Qin-xiang4, SONG Yu-dong1,2, HE Xu-wen3 (1.Research Center of Water Pollution Control Technology, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;3.School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China;4.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China). China Environmental Science, 2017,37(3):963~971

Abstract:The changes of wastewater toxicity to activated sludge along the treatment processes from water intake to the aerobic biological unit in an integrated petrochemical wastewater treatment plant were investigated. The assay was done based on three toxicity characterization methods: oxygen uptake rate of activated sludge, dehydrogenase activity of activated sludge and acute toxicity to luminescent bacteria. Moreover, the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of effluents from each process unit were analyzed and the relationship between fluorescence characteristics and the toxicity profiles was revealed. The results showed that the influent petrochemical wastewater had an inhibition on the oxygen uptake rate of nitrifier up to 50%~60%. After the treatment processes prior to the aerobic biological treatment unit, the inhibition of the treated wastewater on activated sludge still reached 30%. Among them, hydrolysis acidification and anoxic treatment were found to decrease the wastewater toxicity obviously. Based on the comprehensive comparison of the results from these three methods, the oxygen uptake rate method is more suitable for the toxicity evaluation of petrochemical wastewater on activated sludge. As to the fluorescence spectra of the water samples, all the fluorescence peaks appeared in the region of λex/λem=200-300/250~400nm, and the fluorescence intensity of peak C (λex/λem=225/340), peak E (λex/λem=275/325) and peak F (λex/λem=275/335) were positively correlated with the toxicity at a certain extent. The fluorescence peaks with emission wavelength of 325~340nm are recommended to be used for rapid and simple monitoring the toxicity of petrochemical wastewater to activated sludge.



* 責任作者, 研究員, zhouyuexi@263.net




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